Sunday, January 1, 2012

Superman #353

Superman #353
(August, 1980)
"The Fantastic Foe Superman Could Never Meet!"
Cover by Ross Andru, Dick Giordano

Artist: Curt Swan
Inks: Frank Chiaramonte
Colors: Adrienne Roy
Writer: Cary Bates
Letters: Ben Oda

Troxx-5S, an alien from a far-advanced society in a parallel dimension where criminal acts are impossible, has been using the technology at his disposal to switch places with Superman. While the Man of Steel is transported to the unknown realm, Troxx-5S commits all sorts of crimes in Metropolis, from bank robberies and vandalism, to property destruction and hijacking. Getting dubbed by the citizens simply as The Demolisher, the alien criminal also takes advantage of the inter-dimensional switches to make it seem as if Superman is afraid to confront him.

The media quickly turns on Superman, and questions his absence and perceived inaction to the crisis, but Lois Lane quickly reassures him of her unbreakable trust and faith in him. In return, the Man of Steel gives her a space jewel she must keep with her at all times, while he plans the decisive move against The Demolisher.

Unknown to Troxx-5S, Superman has been learning a great deal about him and his home world during the inter-dimensional switches, so when The Demolisher returns to Earth one final time to commit the ultimate crime, the Man of Steel is more than prepared to counteract.

The alien marauder makes his way to the Galaxy Communications building, where he delivers a deadly strike against Lois, leaving everyone at WGBS in shock. Having committed cold-blooded murder, Troxx-5S fades back to his own dimension, victorious and at large... or so he believes.

Before the final switch, Superman designs a chair in the alternate dimension that will imbue Troxx-5S upon his return, with a purifying beam that will effectively turn him into the law-abiding citizen his crime-free society expects him to be.

Once Superman returns to Earth, it is revealed that Lois was never in danger, thanks to the space jewel she was carrying, protecting her from all types of destructive energy. While celebrating one more triumph against evil, Jimmy Olsen realizes that the Man of Steel was able to defeat an enemy he never even met in the first place.

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